Why Do Fire Protection Engineers Recommend Automatic Sprinklers?



A Fire Sprinkler is the most reliable and active protection method that fights the spread of fire in its initial stages. A fire sprinkler eliminates a fire and prevents extreme damage to both people and property.

As stated by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): In the proximity of fire sprinklers, the probability of being at death’s door decreases by one-half to three-fourths, and the average property loss per fire is cut by one-half to 66%, compared to fire accidents that take place where fire sprinklers aren’t installed.

Automatic Sprinkler

A ‘Sprinkler’ is a heat-detecting device. Sprinkler systems are of diverse kinds, temperature ranges, and structures. The heat detecting component (of a sprinkler), points towards the floor, or the area generally prone to fire. The opposite finish of the sprinkler is connected with a system of funnels, that discharges water (under high pressure). Whenever there is a fire, in the proximity of a sprinkler, (the temperature of which is higher than the rated estimation of the heat-detecting element of a sprinkler),

The bulb located inside the sprinkler bursts and water moves through the sprinkler systems, directly on to the fire affected area. There are numerous varieties of fire protection structures, and their functions include detection, caution, smoke evacuation, and direct fire suppression. There are several gauges as well, that intend to support the action of firefighters, in situations where their help is required. Automatic sprinklers are specifically and resolutely prescribed by fire protection engineers since they can extinguish most fires when they are still at their early stages.


An Automatic Fire Sprinkler System is designed to control an unpleasant fire accident, permitting your family, the hand of valuable time to escape from a severe threat. Fire Sprinklers decrease the scale of harm that can be caused to your assets from heat and smoke.

An Automatic Fire Sprinkler System is an arrangement of water-filled piping that is attached to your household water management line. This line concludes upon carefully fabricated and divided fire sprinkler heads, situated throughout your home. The sprinkler heads constitute of frangible bulbs loaded with a fluid, that when heated, arise and causes the bulb(s) to break and the framework to release water. The water from the sprinkler head covers the area where the fire is observed and proceeds to work until a group of firefighters arrive to completely extinguish the fire.

Also, sprinklers are activated by heat, not smoke. Sprinkler heads have a seal that is sensitive to heat, which breaks open when hot air from the flames of a fire contacts them. They won’t set off upon smoke from cooking appliances or cigarettes.


The expense of fire sprinkler frameworks depends upon the diversestructures and conditions of the building or residence. Automatic sprinklers serve to be a considerable investment in large properties, yet their expense can be optimized with smart design choices:

In new construction projects, fire protection experts can work with architects to improve the placement of sprinkler heads during the modelling and establishment stage. In some cases, the sprinkler headcount can be reduced significantly with slight changes to architectural structure and design.

If your projects incorporate dropped ceilings, use fire-resistant elements. The structure of dropped ceilings is weak against fires. The NFPA 13 recommends sprinkler heads to be both, above and underneath, the ceilings. This delineation builds for an additional establishment cost.

Fire Alarm System v/s Fire Sprinkler System

The most prominent problem of a Fire Alarm System is that it is a passive structure. It will just warn you, after the detection of fire at an early stage. After receiving the early cautioning, you can leave the premises of the commercial or private buildings.

Here as well, the Fire Sprinkler System prove to be a winner. It works upon putting out the flames.

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