Misconceptions About Residential Fire Sprinklers
Getting a fire sprinkler system installed in your home is one of the most effective ways of protecting your family and property from fire hazards. But there is still a taboo lingering around the concept of a fire sprinkler system in your home and that these are mainly best suited for commercial buildings. This notion is widespread due to several misconceptions about fire sprinkler systems. Today, we would like to do our part in dispelling some of these myths. Read further to clear any doubts regarding this. Myth: Fire Sprinklers will activate by smoke alarms going off. Fact: It is common for your smoke alarm to go off now and then. It can happen due to cooking or lighting up your fireplace. But you don’t particularly need to worry every time your smoke alarm goes off. Your fire sprinkler system will not go off whenever your smoke alarms do. The fire sprinklers become activated solely with heat, and not by smoke. Myth: Fire sprinklers at home require frequent mai...